Mary Danielsen welcomes back JB Hixson to discuss the current meltdown of the global economic system. Many in the economic field have been warning us for the past few years that the bottom was going to fall out of the current sleight-of-hand called our money system, and it is a date with destiny that the nations of the world will face sooner or later. Money and exchange rates are as old as civilization and we have gone from a barter system of commodities, to coinage, to paper – and now a short trip from credit to crypto. The book of Revelation refers to a last days system that will be tied with a spiritual decision in some eye-popping verses that nearly every person has heard of in their lifetime, relative to the Mark of the Beast. As of this week, we find ourselves hearing about a very jittery market. What does that portend, and how should we prepare, if at all? A timely conversation that points to the soon return of Jesus and the judgment of the nations. JB has a chapter on this subject in his recent book, “Spirit of the False Prophet”, which can be found here.  As Clinton crony James Carville once said, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

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