Paul Scharf: God’s Sovereignty Over Israel

by | Oct 10, 2024 | 2024 Elections, American Church, Christianity, Gospel, Israel, Middle East, Podcast, Prophecy | 0 comments

Mary welcomes Paul Scharf back to the podcast to talk about the latest at Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. Paul’s recent travels have given him a unique view of what is going on in the Middle East and how FOI comes alongside their international workers in a tense time in the world. We discuss US Israel relations, the coming transformation of Israel, and the looming election. Many Christians have decided not to vote. How might that impact support for life and for Israel? What is the latest on possible retaliation against Iran? Friends of Israel has been working for 83 years and we salute their unwavering support for Israel in all seasons. Unfortunately, the church at large often denies God’s sovereignty over that tiny piece of real estate.



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