On today’s headline day we look at the trajectory of antisemitism around the world. It seemed to have taken a bit of a break during the election cycle but nothing has, or will change, the current direction of antisemitism and it will get worse and worse, a tragedy and a pox upon humanity. From Amsterdam to Belgium, from sea to shining sea in the US, here we go again. And we will speak up about it and we will defend Israel with all we have because it represents the heart of God. And yet “evangelical” churches choose the wrong side in so many churches. Then we look at speaking up about bible prophecy, a great evangelical tool that again, many churches refuse to teach or speak up about. Afraid to mention the rapture? You are not alone because more than ever, you will get an eye-roll followed by a denunciation of some historical sort. And the pulpits are silent on yet again another thing. Headlines and more on today’s Stand Up for the Truth, speaking the truth about as many things as we can, of import to the church.


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