Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Sound Doctrine, A Primer

by | Jan 3, 2025 | Bible Study, Christian Church, Christianity, Contending for the Faith, Podcast, sound doctrine, The Bible, Theology | 0 comments

Mary welcomes back Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries to discuss a foundational Bible topic: sound doctrine. What is it? Why is it so important? If doctrine is simply defined as instruction, and in the last days Paul tells us that people will have no taste for it (“will not endure…”) then what does that say about the church in these times? That church-goers will not be teachable. And that is very true unfortunately; deriding doctrine is the skill of cults and false systems. Sad to say, if a person believes they are in the faith but refuses the truth of non-negotiable doctrine, there is no good news for them. We will talk about the divisive nature of truth as found in doctrine, and we also look at doctrines of devils; also how sound doctrine unites true believers. Doctrine by its very nature requires application, and it changes us from the inside out. Unless we do not endure it! A full hour with Kyle and Flynn. Be sure to check out their YouTube page.

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