Replay – Brady Blevins: Knock, Knock – How to Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Apologetics, Christianity, Cult Watch, Cults, Discernment, Jehovah Witnesses, Latter Day Saints, Mormonism, Mormons, Podcast, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Mary Danielsen talks with Dr. Brady Blevins of Watchman Fellowship about cults, particularly the ones that knock on your door with their version of truth, their Jesus. [Original airdate: 2/8/24] Here we are in our homes, knowing we have the truth of Jesus Christ, and someone comes by with their own. What do you do? Fight or flight? Dr. Blevins has extensive knowledge about the cults, the religions who have the “wrong Jesus”.  The late Dr. Walter Martin said, “When people say, ‘I believe in Jesus’, look them straight in the eye and ask, ‘which one?’ Often if you do ask that, prepare yourself for a blank stare! The reason for that is that people really do think they are free to remake Jesus in their own image, according to their eternal comfort zone. Be ready to be challenged –  to be ready to give an answer for your hope.