Scott Lively: Why Christians Must Resist the Devil, Fight Evildoers

Play Episode Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST:  Dr. Scott Lively is a pastor, author of many books, has...

Scott Lively: Will Courts Prevent U.S. Transition to Socialism?

Play Episode Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST:  Dr. Scott Lively is a pastor, author of many books, has...
The Best! Pastors and Patriots: 2020 Podcasts on God & Government

The Best! Pastors and Patriots: 2020 Podcasts on God & Government

Best of 2020 ‘Pastors & Patriots’ Podcasts Discussing “Political” (Moral) Issues In light of the urgency of the hour for the Church and America, the godless threat of this present darkness, and these prophetic times we find ourselves in, we...