So many controversial issues and debates, so little time! Here’s what listeners want to discuss today:

  • To what level can a Christian be depressed?
  • How much does our faith play into our emotional and mental health, and how much depends on trusting God?
  • I know spiritual warfare is real because we are warned many times about it in the New Testament, but to what extent can demons influence Christians?
  • My strong hunch is that a majority of Americans have bought the lies and accusations about Justice Kavanaugh because they no longer think logically.
  • What do you think the greater problem in most churches is – ignorance in the pulpit or cowardice?
  • Didn’t know how extensive the Burning Man movement has become. It seems like a combination of New Age, humanism, environmentalism, and a combo of religions: can you please boil this ideology down so it’s easier to understand?
  • With all the division and spiritual confusion in the church, it’s no wonder many young people want nothing to do with Christianity today.
  • I’m a newer Christian, could you please explain Replacement Theology? Is it a salvation issue?
  • Hillsong’s stance on issues such as evolution, homosexuality, and seeker-friendly movement are concerning to the Australian Council of Churches. Hillsong produced some wonderful music, but as a whole they seem to have exchanged traditional, historical Christian doctrines to seek fame and fortune.
  • I’m a former Catholic and know some good Roman Catholic friends, even though many of their Church doctrines are unbiblical: can a Catholic go to heaven if they remain in that Church?


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