Here are some of this week’s questions and comments from Stand Up for the Truth listeners:

  • You guys always have great discussions with people from Ratio Christi – what a solid ministry.
  • How do we best understand the topic of the eternal security of true believers?
  • I was an atheist and many people planted seeds in me through the years. I don’t think there is a ‘one size fits all’ method of evangelism.  People are reached in different ways.
  • Regarding witnessing and the true conversion of young people such as college students, I think their faith often depends on discipleship and on what church they end up attending.
  • Loved your spirited discussion about praying for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after she fell. It is both right to pray for her to be saved or healed as well as to pray for God to remove her from her position of influence on SCOTUS.
  • Your show has helped me find a new passion for the Old Testament, thank you.
  • Serious Christians better understand that Liberalism is not only a cancer to our country but also to Christianity.
  • To claim you love God more than anything but then blatantly disobey his clear teachings on life, marriage, and gender cannot be reconciled.

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