Modern Liberalism cannot coexist with biblical Christianity. Another example of placing social justice above Scripture emerged last week, this time from a Baptist church leader in Texas. In a commencement benediction at Baylor University in Waco, left-wing pastor, Dan Freemyer denounced “straight white men” and lobbied for the environment – during a prayer.
…Calling evil good, conforming to secular culture, and reinterpreting Christian teachings to fit an agenda is part of the cult of modern Liberalism which masquerades as Christianity. In their rebellion against God, their values might include hyper-grace, political idolatry, boycotting Israel, feminism, socialism, sexual confusion, environmentalism, and of course, abortion.
In these last days, the Holy Scriptures too often take a back seat to pleasing man. In this case, it’s Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, which proudly states they are: “fully affirming of women in lay and professional ministry roles, and fully inclusive of LGBTQ+ persons.”
So a few of the remarks from Dan Freemyer at the Baylor University commencement went like this:
“God, give them the moral imagination to reject the old keys that we’re trying to give them to a planet that we’re poisoning by running it on fossil fuels and misplaced priorities — a planet with too many straight, white men like me behind the steering wheel while others have been expected to sit quietly at the back of the bus,”
Misplaced priorities is right, but look in the mirror, Dan. In your rant about poisoning the planet, you missed an opportunity to honor Jesus Christ and the true gospel by encouraging the college grads to seek first the kingdom of God. You could have reminded them about the need for repentance and to walk closely with the Lord every day as they enter a very dark and worldly culture.
…By appealing to people’s love of this world and taking advantage of their ignorance, plenty of false Christian leaders are deceiving multitudes while true believers in Christ have been placed on the defensive today. The octopus of liberalism now dominates virtually every aspect of culture.
Americans are more divided over moral and political issues than ever before, but our greater concern should be Christians are divided as well. Research shows that fewer believe in absolute truth which tells us we aren’t much different from the world after all.
So why does all this matter and why is it dangerous? Political liberals are one thing; we know exactly where they stand; But religious liberals have infiltrated churches across America and have deceived many. These men (and women) generally believe many of the same things as extremists on the left, and yet claim to be “Christian.”
Originally published by Freedom Project Media