To those of us who are older, seasoned Christians perhaps, we see an America today little like we experienced growing up. Certainly there were problems throughout our history, but nothing like we witness today. Moral decay, including the murder of 60,000,000 million children through abortion; a public education system that is in lock step with anti-god globalists; a media with no sniff of objectivity and in the tank for the far left; as well as a political party, the Democrats, that has completely sold out to global corporate interests and the radical LBGTQ lobby.
We live in a nation where both our religious freedoms and right to bear arms are increasingly under attack.
Pastor and best-selling author, Carl Gallups joins us to discuss just where America might be headed. Carl brings a unique perspective as a pastor, biblical scholar, and former Law Enforcement Official. Where are we headed and can this slide toward totalitarian government be averted? If not, what are the responsibilities of disciples of Jesus Christ toward a government that sees us as a threat to its power?