The following facts are indisputable.
- Undercover journalists have lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the federally-funded, multi-billion-dollar abortion business.
- David Daleiden, of the Center for Medical Progress, and his colleagues were sued after releasing some condemning investigative videos in 2015 that exposed Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of fetal body parts.
- Planned Parenthood witnesses recently testified under oath the undercover videos are true, unedited, and the abortion giant sold fetal organs and tissue for profit.
- A liberal judge having ties to Planned Parenthood spent six weeks influencing the jury with pre-determined rulings and suppressing video evidence, and implied the citizen journalists (in this case) do not have First Amendment protections.
- The jury obliged, and rewarded Planned Parenthood Federation of America for breaking federal laws against trafficking of human body parts.
- Damages to exceed $2.3 million.
We’ve now moved on from the debate on whether or not abortion is murder, to dealing with evil being called good as powerful corporations appear to be above the law.
…At the beginning of this lawsuit two years ago, David Daleiden and his co-defendant Sandra Merritt asked for Orrick to recuse himself from the case because of his “ongoing and longstanding professional relationship with Planned Parenthood.” He refused.
Judge Orrick was the founder, director, and a Board Member of the Good Samaritan Family Resource Center in San Francisco, an organization that works with Planned Parenthood affiliates and even houses a Planned Parenthood clinic on its property!
….Remember, it was none other than Kamala Harris, who received over $80,000 from Planned Parenthood, who launched the original investigation – not into the trafficking of aborted baby body parts – but into the citizen journalists who exposed it!
Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media