Mature Christians may have a hard time believing what many Christians are falling for these days as well as what some churches are promoting. Falling for new entertaining fads and following after the world are problems that need to be addressed.
What are we talking about? A basic lack of discernment and understanding of God’s Word for starters. Today, we address Horoscopes, goat yoga, ‘Christian witches,’ the enneagram, life coaches, ‘Scripture yoga’ and so much more.
Jill Martin Rische is the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin, who founded the Christian Research Institute in 1960, and later, Walter Martin Ministries. Jill was a regular guest of the late Frank Pastore Show on KKLA, she is co-author of The Kingdom of the Occult, along with her father and Christian Apologist, Kurt Van Gorden. She and her husband, Kevin are the Managing Editors on Walter Martin’s 45 year bestseller, The Kingdom of the Cults, and they live in St. Paul, Minnesota with their daughter Christina, and son Justin.
The Kingdom of the Cults & Walter Martin Ministries:
Reflecting the developments in cults and world religions in recent years, this edition, updated by expert Jill Martin Rische, gives you the authoritative information you need to know. As our culture becomes less and less outwardly Christian, awareness of the belief systems of those around us has never been more vital.
The Kingdom of the Cults remains the go-to reference book on this crucial topic. Among cults and religions included are: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, New Age Cults, the Unification Church, Baha’i Faith, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and more.
3 Reasons Christians Should Think Twice About Yoga
Goat Yoga and the Connection of Humans with Goats and the Divine – (World Yoga site)
Should Christian Read Horoscopes
Convention of ‘Christian Witches’ to Gather in Salem on Easter Sunday