Bill Perkins: Steeling Our Minds & Last Days Signs

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Apologetics, Bible Prophecy, Christian Growth, Culture & Morality, Discipleship, Podcast | 0 comments

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It seems like end-times signs are happening at a breathtaking pace these days and Bible prophecies are being fulfilled to some degree worldwide. Now is a good time to consider digging deeper into God’s word and sharpening one another. Our mission remains the same: preach the word and love our neighbor. We should have plenty of opportunities in the weeks and months to come.

TODAY’S GUEST: Bill Perkins Founded Compass International in 1993 with his wife, Susie. The purpose of this evangelical, Idaho-based ministry is to sharpen believers in Christ and defend the accuracy of the Bible from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22.

Compass International offers email Bible studies, articles, Biblelands trips and missionary outreach, and also organizes the “Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences,” bringing together top Christian speakers to hammer away on difficult and timely issues.

Steel on Steel – Volume 1: This book will challenge you in areas few teach and defend these days. From Prophecy to Doctrine, each chapter will stretch you spiritually and enable you to defend the accuracy of God’s Word. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” 

Volume 2 also available (Bill’s second, “I-can’t-believe-he-said-that” book)

The List – by Bill Perkins and Buck Storm. “The ancient prophets said he would come. And for centuries the people watched, waited and hoped. He was to be the redeemer of Israel. The all-powerful King of Kings who would finally and decisively deliver the nation from the iron fist of Rome.”


Being Wise in a Wicked World – Bill Perkins

Compass TV (new video every Friday!)

Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences

God or Government? Media Stoking Coronavirus Fear – David Fiorazo

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