So many gods, so little time. There are well over 1.5 million Wiccans (over 3 million pagans, total) in the U.S. and these numbers are growing. Some are deceivers while many others are simply deceived, just looking for some kind of spirituality to practice. The increase of young people identifying themselves as neo-pagans and Wiccans is due in part to the media’s glorification of the supernatural, occult themes in Hollywood, and disillusionment with organized religion.
TODAY’S GUEST: Carl Teichrib has authored specialized reports, books, and over 200 articles and essays on globalization and its many subtopics. Carl is a conference speaker and has given lectures across North America and lives in western Canada with his wife and children.
From national monuments to pagan deities and statues across North America, ancient gods and goddesses are all around us. Deception, idolatry, the occult, earth worship, satanism, and witchcraft have become common and to a great degree, accepted in our society. The question we should, however, ask is to what extent has it seeped into our churches?
ABOUT GAME OF GODS: “Humanity has three Great Desires: To be as God; to be Masters of Meaning and Destiny; to build Heaven on Earth – this is that story.”
Carl and David discuss parts of chapter 7, “Magical Re-Enchantment” on today’s podcast!
Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment(on Amazon) is a comprehensive investigation into the changing nature of Western civilization, the revolutionary replacement of the Judeo-Christian framework with a new, yet ancient paradigm. It is a journey into the cracks and crevices of big history; an expedition into the expanding realm of transformational movements and ideas – forces of change that shift how we think, behave, and relate.
A different and contrasting paradigm is considered against the bulwark of One-ism, a reality claim that emanates from beyond time, space, and matter. This, too, has a bearing on ethics, liberty, and freedom. It makes a case for human dignity, hope, and salvation.
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