Julaine Appling: So Much At Stake in the 2020 Election!

by | Oct 15, 2020 | Christianity, Culture & Morality, Education, First Amendment, Government, LGBTQ, Podcast, Politics and Faith, Religious Freedom | 0 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST – Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council. We discuss the fact that Christians have the responsibility and privilege to vote in elections and choose leaders to run government.

Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country. Samuel Adams

STOP focusing on personality and ignoring policies and Party platforms!

Here are some of what is at stake in this election November 3:

  • Freedom, (for socialism to succeed must eradicate religious freedom)
  • Prosperity – middle class prosperity is the main means of sending the gospel around the world
  • Marriage & Nuclear family
  • LIFE
  • School Choice
  • 2nd Amendment
  • Wholesale sexual anarchy


  • Daily prayer guide – Click HERE for a daily prayer guide that your church family can use between now and November 3rd.
  • Honoring God video – a 1-minute video you could show before or after a service, during announcements, or include as a link in church digital communications: vimeo.com.
  • WI pastors speak – Click HERE for three short videos of Wisconsin pastors talking about the importance of being good citizens and honoring God with our vote.
  • Honoring God flyer/insert – Click HERE to access a half-page flyer on why Christians should  care about government and voting. Print copies have been mailed to over 700 churches. Please use this link to share the document with your church family via your digital communications.
  • Presidential voter resource – Click HERE to access an educational resource on the presidential candidates. Print copies have been mailed to churches. Feel free to link this in your church digital communications.
  • General election resources – Click HERE to link to a number of WFC resources for the upcoming election.
  • Commit To Vote – Make the commitment to vote. Click HERE and encourage your church family to do the same. You can share this link in church digital communications, as well.
  • Webinar with Mohler, Grudem, et al – Click HERE to access the outstanding “Culture-Wise Church” webinar hosted by our friends at the Florida Family Policy Council featuring Dr. Al Mohler, Dr. Wayne Grudem and others.


The Best! Pastors and Patriots: 2020 Podcasts on God & GovernmentListen to bold men and women of faith including Andy Woods, Paul Blair, Steve Smothermon, Jan Markell, Rick Scarborough, Gary Kah, Heidi St. John, Dan Fisher, Elijah Abraham, Alex Newman, John Haller, Stephen Broden, Julaine Appling, Scott Lively, Chris Quintana, Saiko Woods, JB Hixson, and Bill Cook.