SGT. Mike McGrew: 2020 ‘Perfect Storm’ for First Responders

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Christianity, Culture & Morality, Government, Podcast | 0 comments

TODAY’S GUEST: Sargent Mike McGrew is a former California law enforcement officer, and author of the book, A Higher Call to Duty.” From his 31-year career as a police officer, Major Crimes Detective, and sergeant, Mike McGrew knows first hand the dramatic impact of working the front lines as a first responder.

McGrew co-founded 911 At Ease International, providing free, confidential trauma-informed counseling to support first responders and their families.

We discuss the intensified stress that first responders are going through in 2020 with COVID-19, the riots, and civil unrest. Please keep all law enforcement and emergency & health workers in prayer!

“Covid has created a perfect storm for first responders.” -Sgt. Mike McGrew

A Higher Call To Duty: The True Story of Sgt. Mike McGrew– An inspirational true-life story on how one man endured and overcame trauma, tribulations, and insurmountable personal trials through a 31-year career as a Street Cop and Major Crimes detective. Mike McGrew opens his heart to readers in order to share how his life was restored from a place of darkness that was brought on by a grueling profession. This highly decorated officer shares the excitement and intrigue of what it is like to wear the badge, but also covers the behind the scenes look at what the compilation of trauma can do.


Excerpts from A Higher Call to Duty

911 At Ease International

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