Julaine Appling: No Compromise on Faith, Family, Life, Religious Freedom

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Christian Church, Culture & Morality, Government, Podcast, Politics and Faith, Religious Freedom | 0 comments

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TODAY’s GUEST is Julaine Appling – president of Wisconsin Family Council. Topics include Republican leadership’s disappointing approval of Pride month, state bills protecting women’s/girls’ sports working through the legislative process, the onslaught of sexual deviancy during “Pride” month, the Equality Act, a bill prohibiting the dangerous Critical Race Theory in public schools, and pro-life legislation.

In segment 3, Amanda Finnefrock joins us from Columbus, Ohio.


Critical Race Theory In Wisconsin K12 Education – (extensive)

Critical Race Theory seeks to fundamentally and profoundly change the United States forever. Critical Race Theory preaches that the United States was founded on racism;

Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It

Christopher Rufo, Director of the Initiative on Critical Race Theory at the Manhattan Institute, writes that “Critical Race Theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration of Independence and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution.” 

Critical Race Theory replaces the founding principles of this country such as equality, excellence and equal protection under the law and replaces them with the communist ideal of equity, that is, every American, no matter their ability, work ethic or moral fiber, should end up achieving the same result.

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