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Today, David Fiorazo catches up on current news, bible prophecies, and some pressing stories affecting Christians, the church and country.  Will more people wake up before it’s too late? Are we already out of time when it comes to reversing immorality in culture and battling the antichrist spirit of the age? Sadly, much of it depends on pastors and ministry leaders. 

From recent history and the ineffectiveness of many churches, it doesn’t look good. But our faith is not in man; we do not hope in people, politics, possessions, or performance. Our trust is in Jesus Christ, the sovereign Lord and soon-returning King of kings! Truth wins.

“The nature of deception is that people don’t know they are deceived until they are confronted with the truth. Tragically, the greatest obstacle in pursuing the truth is to think you already know it.”


Top Bible Prophecy Stories in 2021 – Harbingers Of His Return

IRS ‘Invasion’: Backlash Grows as Biden Seeks to Grant Gov’t New Access to Your Banking Privacy

From Public Schools to Planned Parenthood, Liberals are Hurting Our Kids

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

CENSORED: ABC, CBS, NBC Spent an Entire Year Hiding Hunter Biden, Scandals

Nancy Pelosi to Reporters: You ‘Could Do a Better Job Selling’ Biden’s Radical Agenda

Canceling Christianity – 5-star book reviews

200 Resources You Can Trust!