Eric Hovind: Creation, Biblical Foundations in a Confused World

by | Oct 20, 2021 | Apologetics, Christian Growth, Christianity, Creation, Israel, Moral Relativism, Podcast, the Gospel, Worldview | 0 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST is Eric Hovind, President and Founder of Creation Today, a apologetics-based international ministry seeking to impact individuals to know and defend our faith in Creator God and to share Him through the foundations of Scripture. Erik is also the Executive Producer of the highly-acclaimed movie, Genesis: Paradise Lost.

Eric’s passion to reach people with the life-changing message of the Gospel has driven him to speak over 5,000 times in eight foreign countries and all fifty states.

We discuss Creation, the foundational truths of Scripture, and how the Gospel is the answer to the universal issue of sin; plus, why Genesis and the authority of the Bible are not the starting point for some churches today, and the confusion in our culture over gender and moral absolutes.

Genesis Movie! GENESIS: Paradise Lost brings the first chapter of the Bible to life! Explore the context of the highly studied and hotly-debated book of Genesis. Vivid CGI and interviews with experts and PhD’s ignite this powerful production to deliver an incredible, thought-provoking investigation of our origins. In the beginning…God!

“Genesis is essential to the doctrine of salvation.” – Eric Hovind

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