Jay Seegert: Mockers, Prepping, and Proclaiming the Gospel

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Apologetics, Christian Growth, Creation, Education, Fake News, New World Order, Podcast, the Gospel | 0 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST is Jay Seegert, author and international speaker; and is the managing director of the Starting Point Project.

We discuss the many prophetic signs in these last days, preludes to the end times (such as vaccine passports), mockers, preppers, and the need to resist nonstop fear mongering while pointing people to Christ.

There is no middle ground! A person either supports and defends truth and the biblical Christian worldview or not. Either believe God’s Word or deny Him and live in rebellion to the Lord. Jesus is Lord and His return is ever so close!


Question of the Month: Are You A Prepper?

The Issue is Never the Issue

2oo Resources You Can Trust!

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