TODAY’S GUEST is John Haller is a pastor, elder, and teacher known for his weekly prophecy updates, but he has also been a trial lawyer for almost 40 years. John and his wife Pam helped start Fellowship Bible Chapel where he is an elder and pastor. His prophecy updates are available on the FBC YouTube channel and cover Bible prophecy, discernment, apologetics and worldview issues.
We touch on the concerning influence of the World Economic Forum on the U.S. and governments, an alarming survey showing how divided we are over vaccine facts and mandates, the cancer of cultural immorality, state bans on so-called conversion therapy, the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report, Russia/Ukraine tensions and rumors of war, and more.
Not Exactly Shocking: Many Democrats Want You Punished
*JANUARY BOOK OFFER! Get all 4 of David Fiorazo’s books for $35 plus shipping! (ERADICATE, The Cost of Our Silence, Redefining Truth, and Canceling Christianity) For info, email [email protected] or call (800) 979-9010, ext. 105. Or you can use PayPal (davidfiorazo1) and send $43 ($35 plus postage); stop by the Q90 studios, or mail a check to Stand Up for the Truth, 1253 Scheuring Road bldg.. 2B, DePere, WI 54115