Natasha Crain: Faithfully Different! Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture

by | Feb 24, 2022 | American Church, Christian Growth, Education, Evangelism, Podcast, Social Justice, Worldview | 0 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST: Natasha Crain is a national speakerauthorblogger, and podcaster whose passion is to help Christians think more clearly about holding to a biblical worldview in the midst of an increasingly challenging secular culture. She’s written three apologetics books for parents: Talking with Your Kids about Jesus, Talking with Your Kids about God, and Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side.

Her brand new book just released this month is outstanding: Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture.

Faithfully Different – available now! Description: In an increasingly secular society, those who have a biblical worldview are now a shrinking minority. As mainstream culture grows more hostile toward the Bible’s truths and those who embrace them, you’ll face mounting pressures—from family, friends, media, academia, and government—to change and even abandon your beliefs. But these challenges also create abundant opportunities to stand strong for Christ and shine light to those hurt by the darkness of our day. In Faithfully Different, author and apologist Natasha Crain shares how you can live out your faith with conviction, discernment, and courage.

David Fiorazo and Natasha Crain discuss the reality of secularism’s influence as well as necessary course corrections for Bible-believing Christians in North America. Podcast includes the latest Barna and Pew Research, social justice, cancel culture, biblical worldview issues, and how we must respond in these present, pressing times.


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Check out Our previous Podcast with Natasha Crain

Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible, Cracks Down on Christians – David’s latest

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*FINAL WEEK: Get all 4 of David Fiorazo’s books for $35! (ERADICATE, The Cost of Our Silence, Redefining Truth, and Canceling Christianity) [email protected] or call (800) 979-9010, ext. 105. You can use PayPal (davidfiorazo1) and send $42 ($35 plus postage); stop by the Q90 FM studios, OR mail a check to David Fiorazo c/o Stand Up for the Truth, 1253 Scheuring Road, bldg. 2B, DePere, WI 54115