Pro-Life Except in Cases of Rape? Think Again.

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Abortion, Christianity, Creation, Podcast, Politics and Faith, Pro-Life | 0 comments

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Today’s special guest, Rebecca Kiessling was conceived in rape and is also an abortion survivor. Since 1995, Rebecca has been an international pro-life speaker; she is also an adoption advocate and actively promotes 100% pro-life legislation.

She is the Director of Save the 1 and co-founder of Hope After Rape Conception. Rebecca is also a National Spokeswoman for Personhood USA, and she’s helped pregnant rape victims all around the world to choose life for their children. She’s also an attorney, wife, and mother of 5 – including two adopted children. 



Are you 100% pro-life?

We’ve all heard someone say: “I’m pro-life… except in cases of rape,” or “I’m pro-choice, especially in cases of rape!” Justice demands that only perpetrators pay for their crimes.  We must not punish innocent children for someone else’s crime.

Rape and abortion are wrong for the same reason; they are both violent acts of aggression against another person. If you really care about rape victims, you should want to protect them from the rapist, and from the abortion, and NOT the baby. A baby is not the worst thing which can happen to a rape victim — an abortion is.

This is about life and justice: is it right to punish the child for the sins of the father? (See Deut. 24:16)

“While insulting those of us conceived in rape, they actually inadvertently are admitting the truth that we were a baby or a child while unborn. You never hear them say “rape fetus” or “fetus of the rapist!” ALWAYS “rape baby” or “child of the rapist”…

“Look, you can be pro-soldier and not pro-war. You can be pro-firefighter and not pro-arson. You can be pro-law enforcement and not pro-crime — even though it’s true that without crime, there’d be no law enforcement. You can also be against IVF and against adultery, but support protecting the lives of unborn children conceived via those methods.” (Rebecca Kiessling)


Save The 1’s mission is to educate everyone on why all pre-born children should be protected by law and accepted by society, without exception and without compromise. Further, we wish to educate prolife advocates, legislatures, leaders, and clergy on how to articulate a proper defense of children conceived in rape or incest, as well as those with special needs.


Philosophical Abortion Essay – by Rebecca Kiessling

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