JB Hixson: God’s Word – Living, Active, and a Light To Our Path

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Apologetics, Bible Study, Christian Growth, Christianity, Discipleship, JB Hixson, Mary Danielsen, Podcast, Politics and Faith, The Bible | 0 comments

We welcome back pastor and author JB Hixson to discuss both the necessity of and how to study the Scriptures, our great treasure. The many arguments that the bible is a work of man utterly falls apart when we understand how the bible tells the truth about the human race. No work of man would ever condemn the sinner to hell and judgment, and by a God Who can be known. We will look at some of the definitions for proper interpretation such as “hermeneutics” and “exegesis”. What does it mean that the Word is sharper than a two edged sword, able to pierce the division of soul and spirit? Why do we need cross-references, commentaries? And finally, how and why to apply it all. We will also discuss the concept of “worldliness” and what it means. Is it a list of things we do or do not do? What does God mean when He says that loving this world is enmity with Him?



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