Pastor Jeff Solwold: The Indestructible Scriptures – How We Got the Bible

by | Jan 25, 2024 | Apologetics, Christianity, Jeff Solwold, Jeff Sowald, Podcast, The Bible, the Gospel, Worldview | 0 comments

Mary Danielsen chats with Pastor Jeff Solwold of Calvary Chapel of Madison, Wisconsin about the treasure we have in the Scriptures. How did we get the bible? With all its controversies and opinions, the bible is ultimately God’s inerrant Word, the highest appeal to truth from a God who loves His creation and proved it by sending His Son to die a substitutionary atonement. We will look at some definitions such as “canon”, ‘Tanakh”, “Talmud”, and more, taking in a sweeping look at the treasure God has given us. Catch up on archived UPDWARD CALL podcasts here.


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