[Original airdate 11/10/23] James Spencer, President of the D.L. Moody Center, talks to Mary Danielsen about balancing politics with the Great Commission and what it means to find our identity in Christ. More and more, Christians are allowing politics to shape their worldview and the practices of the church, causing divisions among the brethren. There may come a time that we need to ask ourselves if we have become disciples of a particular political tribe rather than disciples of Christ – at the very least measurable in the amount of time we spend on either.
In his thoughtful article, “Render to God what is God’s: Reflecting Christ in Politics”, James says, “When God’s people take up causes, we run the risk of those causes distorting our vision of God. We run the risk of justifying our pursuit of the cause by making the cause an idol and tying God to it. When this happens, we no longer act as if we believe that His ways are beyond our ways, or that His thoughts are beyond our thoughts. God conforms to us. We then determine how the problems we face must be solved and God no longer directs. He becomes a resource rather than a ruler.” Join us for a timely chat on what it means to count all things loss for the excellence of knowing Christ.
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