Brady Blevins: Jehovah’s Witness Up Close – Kingdom Hall, Kingdom Come

by | Apr 4, 2024 | Christianity, Cult Watch, Cults, Jehovah Witnesses, Podcast, Prophecy | 0 comments

Mary chats with Brady Blevins of Watchman Fellowship, an apologetics ministry dedicated to exposing the major cults of our time. Brady serves as the senior apologist at Watchman and has a heart for sharing the true gospel with those deceived by a counterfeit Christianity.  He also teaches and serves as the assistant dean of the Graduate School of Theology and Chair for the School of Ministry at Arlington Baptist University. We discuss the basics of the Witness cult and also get an update on their annual meeting that was held in October 2023. Brady clarifies for us what a Kingdom Hall is, The Watchtower Society, what happens when people leave the cult, and many other finer points of what it means to be a JW.


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