Dr. Ingrid Skop: Abortion Kill Pill Update

by | May 3, 2024 | Abortion, American Politics, Christianity, Podcast, Pro-Life, Supreme Court | 0 comments

Mary Danielsen talks with Dr. Ingrid Skop Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute, leveraging more than 30 years’ experience as a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist to support research and policies that respect the dignity of every human life. Dr. Skop believes the Abortion Kill Pill is deadly for the unborn baby and dangerous for mothers who take it, leading to 4 times the complications as surgical abortions. In 2020, when 500,000 aborted chemically, 25,000 of them went to the emergency room or required surgical follow-up. 63% of mothers who abort these days, do so chemically. She has had to operate on women who had not expelled their dead baby after taking the Abortion Kill Pill prescribed by another OB/GYN.  We will discuss some shocking admissions from the US Supreme Court abortion pill oral arguments.


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