Replay – Russ Miller: Creationism as Apologetic, Foundation, and Worldview

by | May 15, 2024 | American Church, Apologetics, Christianity, Creation, Creationism, Education, Genesis, Mary Danielsen, New Earth, Podcast, Public Schools | 0 comments

[Original airdate: 6/8/23] Russ Miller and Mary Danielsen discuss the foundations of our faith, our childrens’ faith and how the entire bible is suspect and untrustworthy if Genesis is not true. The first 3 words of Genesis, “In the Beginning”, lay the foundation not only for the time dimension but also Real Science. Today’s science cannot come to the proper conclusions because their original premise is faulty.  Russ heads up Creation, Evolution and Science ministries and brings a wealth of knowledge to our understanding of The Beginning and how to defend our faith in light of truth.

Creation, Evolution & Science Ministries | “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thess 5:21 (


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