Questions, Comments, and a Call from Angry Listener

by | Oct 19, 2018 | Christian Growth, Church Leadership, Creation, Education, gender confusion, Podcast, Public Schools | 3 comments

It’s Friday. There are always so many good questions and comments to get to, so her we go.

  • My daughter is 16 and wants nothing to do with church anymore, even though we raised her in church, the word, and prayer at home. She claims Christians are hypocrites and I fear she will be lost when she goes off to college.
  • I hear more Scripture in one hour on your show than I hear in a month coming from our pastor on Sundays.
  • Other than in Christ, is there any hope for our children and grandchildren to have a good life in such a dark culture driven by a godless, postmodern education system?
  • I am a “classical liberal” (not modern) but the primary reasons I vote for Republicans is they are pro-life and support free market capitalism.
  • Over the last several decades, we have been informed of how anti-Christian the progressive public schools are and that our children are being indoctrinated. Why is this not a bigger issue that Christians still send their children to such a hostile environment to be “educated”?
  • I am disappointed by your statements regarding the Ford/Kavanaugh allegations. You assume Kavanaugh is innocent, I believe Dr. Ford. Three people know the truth: Ford, Kavanaugh, and God.
  • The left doesn’t even know what “civil” means anymore. Their fruit is the opposite of truth: double-speak, hypocrisy, and often, outright lies.
  • I am a Christian and have supported the Democrat Party all my life, but cannot do so any longer. They are willing to destroy people to gain power. I was also supporting the killing of innocent children through abortion.
  • The #MeToo movement is causing  many parents to be concerned for their sons in the future. We should raise sons of high moral character and integrity, but what about our daughters? They will be affected by this one-sided movement as well but I believe this should be a two-sided conversation in our society.
  • From that Barna survey you read, it sounds like many “professing born-again Christians’ are false converts that trusted an empty gospel of life enhancement.
  • I wish we would rethink denominations within Christianity. They seem to divide and do more damage than good, and often produce “fake Christians” – an impediment to true Christianity.



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