Replay – Dr. Brad Maston: When the Unseen Becomes the Seen

Replay – Dr. Brad Maston: When the Unseen Becomes the Seen

[Original airdate: 3/8/24] Guest host JB Hixson visits today with Dr. Brad Maston (Fort Collins Bible Church). What you cannot see really can hurt you! Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against dark forces in the unseen realm (Ephesians 6:12). On...
Replay – Coach Dave: How Our Government Has Led Us Astray, Romans 13 and 14

Replay – Coach Dave: How Our Government Has Led Us Astray, Romans 13 and 14

[Original airdate: 2/29/24] Guest host Scott Schara visits with Coach Dave. They discuss what he’s been doing with ‘staking’ government buildings, in the light of God having the ultimate authority over the anti-Christ systems. Dave sees his current obedience in light...
JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson about the merchandizing of all things evangelical, and how the consumer mentality has radically altered the sights and sounds of how we “do church”.  From the seeker paradigm to use of media in all its forms, the church...
Chris Quintana: Pre-Packaged Bible Studies, Hate-Filled Campuses, The Peace and Safety of Israel

Chris Quintana: Pre-Packaged Bible Studies, Hate-Filled Campuses, The Peace and Safety of Israel

Mary welcomes back Chris Quintana live in studio to talk about a particularly troubling pulpit “curriculum” that teaches that the answer to spiritual maturity issues in the churches is “emotionally healthy spirituality”. Who is the author of...
Replay – Holly Pivec: NAR – A Reckless Christianity Headed for Shipwreck

Replay – Holly Pivec: NAR – A Reckless Christianity Headed for Shipwreck

Holly Pivec joins us for a repeat broadcast from 1/19/24 for an in-depth look at the New Apostolic Reformation, particularly as represented by the likes of Bill Johnson at Bethel. Who is this man and what is this “reformation” they speak of? Even the first...
Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Seventh Day Adventism; In-House Apologetics for Discipleship

Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Seventh Day Adventism; In-House Apologetics for Discipleship

Mary Danielsen chats with Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, which exists to boldly proclaim truth, both to those who are lost and for the local church to defend, encourage and exhort via the use of apologetics.  Is the Seventh Day church solid? What...