JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson about the merchandizing of all things evangelical, and how the consumer mentality has radically altered the sights and sounds of how we “do church”.  From the seeker paradigm to use of media in all its forms, the church...
Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Seventh Day Adventism; In-House Apologetics for Discipleship

Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Seventh Day Adventism; In-House Apologetics for Discipleship

Mary Danielsen chats with Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, which exists to boldly proclaim truth, both to those who are lost and for the local church to defend, encourage and exhort via the use of apologetics.  Is the Seventh Day church solid? What...
Replay – Randy White: Homeschooling and the Biblical Worldview; Evangelicalism’s Descent into Ecumenism

Replay – Randy White: Homeschooling and the Biblical Worldview; Evangelicalism’s Descent into Ecumenism

[Original airdate: 7/7/23]: Randy White was joined by Crash Connelll and Mary Danielsen in a discussion on the merits of homeschooling and the importance of bringing together every aspect of a child’s life and education to the glory of God. Also discussed was...