Scott Schara: Medical Murders – The Real Battle Ground

Scott Schara: Medical Murders – The Real Battle Ground

Today, Crash Connell and Scott Schara discuss the spiritual warfare that has shown its head with the medical industrial complex.  Scott walks through a few slides (PDF here) showing the collusion is from the top down.  We begin the collusion discussion with eugenics...
Professor Gershaneck: To Win without Fighting, Defining Ch*na’s Political Warfare (archived)

Professor Gershaneck: To Win without Fighting, Defining Ch*na’s Political Warfare (archived)

From what we can find (or not find) this article was posted on a military training website and removed in November, 2023. We did some digging and found a PDF version of that web article. It’s an extremely long read, but I believe it is a great historical...
Jamie Walden: Survival Mindset, Our Hope In Jesus Christ Alone

Jamie Walden: Survival Mindset, Our Hope In Jesus Christ Alone

‘Truth at any cost’ – one of the stakes in the ground that Q90 has put down – in that vein, most of you are going to hear some things today that you’ve never heard before. Jamie Walden is the author of OMEGA DYNAMICS: EQUIPPING A WARRIOR CLASS OF CHRISTIANS FOR...
Sean from SGT: Are We Being Programmed By Controlled Opposition and Propaganda?

Sean from SGT: Are We Being Programmed By Controlled Opposition and Propaganda?

Today’s guest host is Scott Schara.  Today’s Guest, Sean T. has dedicated his life to exposing propaganda. We discuss how our government legalized lying to the American people and subtle ways we are programmed to accept the lies. Satan is using our...
Scott Lively: ‘Christian Nationalism,’ the Jab & the Left’s Playbook

Scott Lively: ‘Christian Nationalism,’ the Jab & the Left’s Playbook

Play Episode Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST:  Dr. Scott Lively is a pastor, attorney, and author of...