Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

[Original airdate 7/31/23] Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love.  After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech...
TA McMahon: Enter Through the Strait Gate

TA McMahon: Enter Through the Strait Gate

Mary chats with TA McMahon of The Berean Call about the nature of so many false teachings today, and the various reactions by the church as to what, if anything, can be done about it. Why is there so much apostasy? The bible says we have a choice, that we must choose...
Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: The Narrow Road of Truth, The Broad Path of Tradition

Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: The Narrow Road of Truth, The Broad Path of Tradition

We welcome back Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, apologists and evangelists who work tirelessly to bring truth and clarity to those caught up in false teaching. Today we discuss the Catholic faith and the various aspects that are unscriptural:...
JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

Today Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson on the influence – and confluence – of seven of the most influential men in history. Although they mostly represent ideologies of a more recent history, the dots worth connecting today are among those men who have...
Replay – Jason Jimenez: The Hijacking of the Faith for a Progressive Agenda

Replay – Jason Jimenez: The Hijacking of the Faith for a Progressive Agenda

[Original airdate 9/14/23] Jason Jimenez of Stand Strong Ministries talks to Mary Danielsen about how Progressivism views itself as a kinder, gentler, dogma free Christianity Lite but trouble lies ahead for these deniers of truth because of God’s...