Replay – Patrick Wood: A Technology Reality Check – The New Reality

Replay – Patrick Wood: A Technology Reality Check – The New Reality

[From 08/08/23] Patrick Wood of and Mary Danielsen discuss the plot twist that is Artificial Intelligence and how quickly it is creating a new reality on earth. Or is it erasing/rebooting/redefining reality? When we no longer can tell what is from the...
Marcia Montenegro: Spellbound – The New Paranormal Normal

Marcia Montenegro: Spellbound – The New Paranormal Normal

BE ADVISED: NUMEROUS INTERNET DROP OUTS WITH GUEST’S CONNECTION! #SpiritualWarfare In today’s installment of Stand Up, Mary welcomes Marcia Montenegro to discuss her revised classic, “Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids”....
Replay – T.A. McMahon: The Flight from Reason and the Feel-Good Church

Replay – T.A. McMahon: The Flight from Reason and the Feel-Good Church

[Original airdate 1/11/24] Mary Danielsen talks to Tom McMahon of The Berean Call about the coming strong delusion and how the church has gotten so far from reason and apologetics as to become a church based on feelings and doing what seems right. Beyond the itching...
Replay – Terry James: Noah’s Days, Lot’s Days, The Approaching Day

Replay – Terry James: Noah’s Days, Lot’s Days, The Approaching Day

[Original airdate: 12/7/23] Mary Danielsen talks with prophecy expert and author Terry James, founder of Rapture Ready ministry. Terry has been coming alongside the church for decades to encourage and exhort believers to look upward, and now more than ever. His...
Headlines: Deceiving and Being Deceived

Headlines: Deceiving and Being Deceived

Another headline day takes us straight to some core issues: a deceptive new film hitting theaters next week is up first. “The Great Warning” trailer on YouTube is presented like a teaser for those of us who love bible prophecy – but it doesn’t...