JB Hixson: Money Magic – Now You See it, Now You Don’t

JB Hixson: Money Magic – Now You See it, Now You Don’t

Mary Danielsen welcomes back JB Hixson to discuss the current meltdown of the global economic system. Many in the economic field have been warning us for the past few years that the bottom was going to fall out of the current sleight-of-hand called our money system,...
JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

Today Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson on the influence – and confluence – of seven of the most influential men in history. Although they mostly represent ideologies of a more recent history, the dots worth connecting today are among those men who have...
Headlines: Petrodollars, Putin, and the War on Peace

Headlines: Petrodollars, Putin, and the War on Peace

In this first-day-of-summer edition of headline news, Mary Danielsen takes a look at a variety of topics that Christians, and US citizens in general, might want to keep an eye on. First up is an update on the Israeli-Hamas war, and what it might mean when Iran-backed...