Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

[Original airdate 7/31/23] Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love.  After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech...
Headlines, More Or Less: Tornadoes, Water, Deception

Headlines, More Or Less: Tornadoes, Water, Deception

Headline Day with Mary brings a lot to talk about as we head into the Summer season. What will the warmer months bring, “more or less”? Water is becoming scarcer in some places, and with that farming issues which never occur in a vacuum, but cause a domino...
JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson about the merchandizing of all things evangelical, and how the consumer mentality has radically altered the sights and sounds of how we “do church”.  From the seeker paradigm to use of media in all its forms, the church...
Replay – John Haller: The Next Phase of War; Global Tyranny Advances; Conformity Bias

Replay – John Haller: The Next Phase of War; Global Tyranny Advances; Conformity Bias

John Haller is back [original airdate: 11/30/23] with Mary Danielsen to parse out several headlines, further proof of how late the hour is and how dark it’s getting. We talk about what the Palestinians really want and what might be next for the hostages....
Carl Teichrib: Interfaithism and Transformational Culture

Carl Teichrib: Interfaithism and Transformational Culture

Mary Danielsen welcomes back Carl Teichrib to navigate interfaithism and transformational culture, designed to speed humanity forward into a global spirituality. Carl is a researcher’s researcher who travels to transformational festivals to view firsthand the...