Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

[Original airdate 7/31/23] Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love.  After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech...
Replay – Coach Dave: How Our Government Has Led Us Astray, Romans 13 and 14

Replay – Coach Dave: How Our Government Has Led Us Astray, Romans 13 and 14

[Original airdate: 2/29/24] Guest host Scott Schara visits with Coach Dave. They discuss what he’s been doing with ‘staking’ government buildings, in the light of God having the ultimate authority over the anti-Christ systems. Dave sees his current obedience in light...
JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

Today Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson on the influence – and confluence – of seven of the most influential men in history. Although they mostly represent ideologies of a more recent history, the dots worth connecting today are among those men who have...
Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

[Original airdate 7/31/23] Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love.  After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech...
Replay – Coach Dave: How Our Government Has Led Us Astray, Romans 13 and 14

Coach Dave: How Our Government Has Led Us Astray, Romans 13 and 14

He then discusses what he’s been doing with ‘staking’ government buildings, in the light of God having the ultimate authority over the anti-Christ systems. Dave sees his current obedience in light Joshua 1:3: I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I...