Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Original Airdate 12/13/22 – (Former host) David Fiorazo and Mary Danielsen review recent church history going back to the seminaries, liberal theology, and the roots of the church growth movement. This led to what was known...
Headlines, More Or Less: Tornadoes, Water, Deception

Headlines, More Or Less: Tornadoes, Water, Deception

Headline Day with Mary brings a lot to talk about as we head into the Summer season. What will the warmer months bring, “more or less”? Water is becoming scarcer in some places, and with that farming issues which never occur in a vacuum, but cause a domino...
Replay – Alisa Childers: The Deconstruction of Christianity – What it is and How to Respond

Replay – Alisa Childers: The Deconstruction of Christianity – What it is and How to Respond

[Original airdate: 1/16/24) We chat with author, blogger and speaker Alisa Childers on the topic of “deconstructing” Christianity; what it is, why it’s destructive and how to respond. With terms like “ex-vangelical” and...
JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

JB Hixson: The Evangelical Industrial Complex, False Gospels, and the Blueprint for Global Tyranny

Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson about the merchandizing of all things evangelical, and how the consumer mentality has radically altered the sights and sounds of how we “do church”.  From the seeker paradigm to use of media in all its forms, the church...