Marcia Montenegro: Spellbound – The New Paranormal Normal

Marcia Montenegro: Spellbound – The New Paranormal Normal

BE ADVISED: NUMEROUS INTERNET DROP OUTS WITH GUEST’S CONNECTION! #SpiritualWarfare In today’s installment of Stand Up, Mary welcomes Marcia Montenegro to discuss her revised classic, “Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids”....
Pastor Kevin Minske: Standing Firm in Faith: Answering Life’s Toughest Questions

Pastor Kevin Minske: Standing Firm in Faith: Answering Life’s Toughest Questions

A rare Wednesday NEW PODCAST with Crash Connell, featured an engaging and insightful conversation with Pastor Kevin Minske, lead pastor of Christ the Rock Church in De Pere, Wisconsin. With just a week to go before Christmas, Pastor Kevin opened the broadcast with...
Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary talks today about Gnosticism, the mother of all cults and originator of all heresy. The early church battled it – and addressed it in the New Testament. Why should we care about Gnosticism? It truly goes back to the garden, it presents a universe where the...
Replay – Frank Figueroa: The Resurrection – The Pivotal Point in all of History; Creation and the Glory of God

Replay – Frank Figueroa: The Resurrection – The Pivotal Point in all of History; Creation and the Glory of God

[Original airdate: 3/15/24] Mary chats with Frank Figueroa of Reasons for Hope about the upcoming Easter season and what it means not just for believers, but all mankind. Should Christians celebrate Easter? Some may choose not to, relegating it to just another pagan...
Replay – Frank Figueroa: The Resurrection – The Pivotal Point in all of History; Creation and the Glory of God

Frank Figueroa: The Resurrection – The Pivotal Point in all of History; Creation and the Glory of God

Mary chats with Frank Figueroa of Reasons for Hope about the upcoming Easter season and what it means not just for believers, but all mankind. Should Christians celebrate Easter? Some may choose not to, relegating it to just another pagan holiday but they are missing...
Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary talks today about Gnosticism, the mother of all cults and originator of all heresy. The early church battled it – and addressed it in the New Testament. Why should we care about Gnosticism? It truly goes back to the garden, it presents a universe where the...