Replay – Pastor Andy Woods: Israel with a Wide Lens; The Pre-Wrath Rapture Dismantled

Replay – Pastor Andy Woods: Israel with a Wide Lens; The Pre-Wrath Rapture Dismantled

[Original airdate: 1/23/24] We welcome back Pastor and Bible Scholar Andy Woods of Sugarland Bible Church. Andy is a wealth of biblical insights and reasoned responses to countless passages and doctrines that Christians should be thinking through and studying...
Replay – Elijah Abraham: Hunger for the Gospel Overseas; Terror Threats and Open Borders; Hamas’ History

Replay – Elijah Abraham: Hunger for the Gospel Overseas; Terror Threats and Open Borders; Hamas’ History

[Original Airdate: 1/5/24] Mary Danielsen talks to speaker and missionary Elijah Abraham about his recent travels and what the Lord is doing in various parts of the world. Elijah has a genuine love for teaching the Word and equipping believers to combat the false...
Professor Gershaneck: To Win without Fighting, Defining Ch*na’s Political Warfare (archived)

Professor Gershaneck: To Win without Fighting, Defining Ch*na’s Political Warfare (archived)

From what we can find (or not find) this article was posted on a military training website and removed in November, 2023. We did some digging and found a PDF version of that web article. It’s an extremely long read, but I believe it is a great historical...
Replay – Elijah Abraham: Hunger for the Gospel Overseas; Terror Threats and Open Borders; Hamas’ History

Elijah Abraham: Hunger for the Gospel Overseas; Terror Threats and Open Borders; Hamas’ History

Mary Danielsen talks to speaker and missionary Elijah Abraham about his recent travels and what the Lord is doing in various parts of the world. Elijah has a genuine love for teaching the Word and equipping believers to combat the false teachings about Islam. We also...