Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary talks today about Gnosticism, the mother of all cults and originator of all heresy. The early church battled it – and addressed it in the New Testament. Why should we care about Gnosticism? It truly goes back to the garden, it presents a universe where the...
Headline Day: The Unraveling of Civilization, the Final Jeopardy Category

Headline Day: The Unraveling of Civilization, the Final Jeopardy Category

That we are in the last days is obvious to all but those who are professional scoffers who question whether God even is capable of keeping His Word. “Where is the promise of His coming?”,  they ask, wanting to keep their lifestyle in tact in spite of...
William Federer: Fighting the Good Fight in America

William Federer: Fighting the Good Fight in America

Mary Danielsen chats with author and speaker William Federer, a walking history book about our American heritage. Today we discuss the topic of evil and the role of the church in combating it. Leaving a legacy of freedom for our children and grandchildren is wise and...
Headlines: The Great Election Reset; The Wise and the Foolish; Bird Flu Angst

Headlines: The Great Election Reset; The Wise and the Foolish; Bird Flu Angst

In today’s headlines, the biggest story of the week is the EU election sabotage. Both France and the UK have given things over to the scoundrels who work out back room politics – and to what end? The Spirit of the Age, in this late hour, is a socialist,...