by Stand Up For The Truth | Jan 30, 2025 | Archaeology, Bible Study, Christianity, history, Israel, Podcast, World History
In this installment of Stand Up, we explore the archaeological evidence for the Exodus with Creationist Brian Young of the Creation Instruction Association. If you are a student of the Bible and believe it is the Word of God from beginning to end, you might not ever...
by Stand Up For The Truth | Dec 18, 2024 | Apologetics, Archaeology, Atheism, Bible Prophecy, Bible Study, Bonus Content, Christianity, Church history, Creation, Culture & Morality, Deception, Evangelism, Exegesis, Faith, False Teaching, Genesis, global flood, Gnosticism, Gospel, Hermeneutics, immorality, Kevin Minske, Podcast, Prophecy, Replacement Theology, Resurrection, Revelation 18, Salvation, sound doctrine, The Bible, The Great Commission, Theology, Truth, Uncategorized, World History, Worldview
A rare Wednesday NEW PODCAST with Crash Connell, featured an engaging and insightful conversation with Pastor Kevin Minske, lead pastor of Christ the Rock Church in De Pere, Wisconsin. With just a week to go before Christmas, Pastor Kevin opened the broadcast with...
by Stand Up For The Truth | Mar 25, 2024 | Archaeology, Bible Prophecy, Bible Study, Christian Growth, Christianity, Church history, JB Hixson, Lord's Supper, Pastor's Perspective, Podcast, Replacement Theology, Teaching, The Bible, Theology
.Crash Connell visits with Pastor Dr. JB Hixson today on the events we know as Holy Week. Monday through Sunday. Glorious events, prophecy fulfilled and God’s plan for redemption to those who believe in HIS ONLY SON. Matthew 21 When they had approached Jerusalem...
by Stand Up For The Truth | Mar 7, 2024 | Archaeology, Bible Prophecy, Bible Study, Christianity, Heavean, Podcast, Prophecy, Rapture Theories, The Bible
Guest host JB Hixson visits from Florida with Dr. Nathan Jones. In these dark days where Satan’s fingerprints are showing up everywhere we turn, it is important for believers to keep our eyes on things above. “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also...
by Stand Up For The Truth | Mar 5, 2024 | Archaeology, Bible Study, Christianity, Creation, End Times, JB Hixson, Nephilim, Paganism, Podcast, Spirit of Antichrist, Spiritual Warfare
Lee Brainard ( joins guest host Dr. J.B. Hixson ( to discuss the often misunderstood and enigmatic subject of the Nephilim from Genesis 6. Who are they? Where do they come from? And what role do they play in the...
by Stand Up For The Truth | Oct 12, 2023 | Apologetics, Archaeology, Hezbollah, Islam, Israel, Terrorism, war in Israel
Jim Fletcher and Mary Danielsen chat about biblical archeology and why it is both a study of matter, and how it matters to our faith. Christianity is a historical faith, reflecting and recording real people and real life. As a branch of apologetics, biblical...