Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

[Original airdate 7/31/23] Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love.  After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech...
Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Seventh Day Adventism; In-House Apologetics for Discipleship

Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: Seventh Day Adventism; In-House Apologetics for Discipleship

Mary Danielsen chats with Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, which exists to boldly proclaim truth, both to those who are lost and for the local church to defend, encourage and exhort via the use of apologetics.  Is the Seventh Day church solid? What...
Scott Schara: Medical Murders – The Real Battle Ground

Scott Schara: Medical Murders – The Real Battle Ground

Today, Crash Connell and Scott Schara discuss the spiritual warfare that has shown its head with the medical industrial complex.  Scott walks through a few slides (PDF here) showing the collusion is from the top down.  We begin the collusion discussion with eugenics...
Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary talks today about Gnosticism, the mother of all cults and originator of all heresy. The early church battled it – and addressed it in the New Testament. Why should we care about Gnosticism? It truly goes back to the garden, it presents a universe where the...