John Hopper: Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Apologetics, Christian Growth, Christianity, Critical Thinking, Evangelism, Gospel, Podcast | 0 comments

Mary talks with John Hopper about making evangelism a way of life. John has discussed questions about God and life with Muslim clerics in Uzbekistan, Buddhist monks in Canada, slum-dwellers in Guatemala and tennis professionals at Wimbledon. Now, he serves as Houston Area Director for Search Ministries, a nationwide organization focused on creating opportunities for stimulating, sensitive and respectful conversations for those wrestling with life’s big questions. Prior to joining Search, John served for 16 years as a pastor at BridgePoint Bible Church in Houston.  So many Christians want to share Jesus with others but don’t know where to start. In Giving Jesus Away: Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel, John provides readers with clear principles and ideas on building friendships with unbelievers, starting natural and meaningful conversations that lead to Jesus, and sharing the gospel clearly. In addition, readers are coached on how to tackle their own fears as well as address the barriers that keep unbelievers from faith. He doesn’t just encourage you to jump in the water, he teaches you how to swim!


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