Julaine Appling
President, Wisconsin Family Action & Wisconsin Family Council
Founded in 2006, Wisconsin Family Action exists to inform Wisconsin citizens about pro-family legislative and cultural issues, involve Wisconsin citizens in activities that strengthen the family, prepare Wisconsin citizens for elections, as the law provides, and advocate in the state legislature on cultural and legislative issues that affect the family. WFA advances Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty.
Make no mistake, socialism is not the end game, but merely the means by which a people enslave themselves and worship government instead of God. Socialism inevitably leads to godless Communism. It is every bit the false religion that Islam is, setting us up to follow and worship Anti-Christ when he appears on the scene.
With a growing number of Americans approving of Socialism, Democrats selling out to it, and a church that stands neutral in the battle, America is possibly on the brink of leading the world to the feet of Anti-Christ when he presents himself as “savior” with solutions to the world’s problems.
The amazing thing about those who desire Communism is how they ignore history and the facts; it has always destroyed nations and economies that have enacted it, and the very system socialists claim will free us, instead enslaves us. Our nation is going through it’s Romans 1 moment in which God has turned us over to a debased mind to believe lies and act with unrestrained evil.
Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Council joins us in our first segment to discuss the importance of knowing what and who you are voting for, and the increasing pressure being put on Christians to conform to this world.
Inside Democratic radicalism – Robert Knight
A consistent feature of the socialist revolution is that “the ends justify the means.” So, lies are as good as truth if they work. That’s why it’s not surprising that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez regularly emits whoppers.
Socialism is a power trip. Its promises of guaranteed income equality, “free” medical care, “free college tuition,” state ownership of the means of production, confiscation of private property, central planning and a one-party system inevitably result in coercion and violence.