This morning we look at the continued fallout from a couple of Chicago area megachurches that allowed secular principles and techniques to influence how they conduct church.  Harvest Bible Church is reeling from the financial corruption of now dismissed Pastor James McDonald while Willow Creek is back in the news as liberal Democrat Senator Cory Booker is under fire from the LGBTQ community for speaking at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit a few years back.

In our first segment we visit with Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Council to discuss activity and strategy within the Wisconsin legislature. Pro-life legislation is being proposed knowing radical WI Governor Tony Evers will veto it.  Is there a plan behind passing legislation that has little to no chance of being enacted?


James MacDonald to get no money, Harvest church says

Cory Booker faces pushback for speaking at ‘anti-LGBT’ Willow Creek in 2011

Iranian Intelligence minister concerned with growth of Christianity, converts

Joel Osteen and the Prosperity ‘Gospel’ Deception