The dictionary defines an assumption as, “assuming something is true or taking a statement for granted.” When we believe something important is truth, and base our life and entire belief system around it only to find out the assumption was wrong, it changes the way we see everything. Sadly, too often in public education and media we are being led to assume certain false beliefs and philosophies are true, and this deception affects how we view God and life itself.
As born-again believers, we have the Word of God to anchor us in truth, but those around us who are still under false assumptions often wander aimlessly and hopelessly through life – though they don’t even realize it.
Our guest today is David Richardson, author of “Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions that Control You.” We discuss three types of “assumers” and how their assumptions either lead them to truth or deception.
Assumptions are the most potent of ideas, but also the least understood. Transparent reveals what assumptions we make, how they control us, and how they are all inherently religious. Even atheists are religious at the level of their assumptions. Some assumptions are true and most are not.
“This is an important book on a tremendously important subject. That there has been an intentional and systematic indoctrination of Americans with false and pernicious ideas is horrific, but this fine book helps us understand what has happened and helps us also see how we can — and absolutely must — oppose those ideas.” – Eric Metaxas