The Dangers and Challenges in Sharing the Gospel

by | Jul 1, 2019 | Christianity, Church Leadership, Evangelism, False Teaching, Gospel, Islam, Israel, Middle East, Podcast, Religious Freedom | 0 comments

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Elijah Abraham

Living Oasis Ministries

Elijah offers a unique perspective on the nature of Islam. He was born and raised as a Muslim in Iraq, but converted to Christianity and started Living Oasis Ministries, an organization devoted to teaching American churches about Islam and the best means for reaching out to Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Living Oasis Ministries is called to equip the saints in the U.S. and around the world to reach Muslims for Christ, to proclaim the Word of God to those who do not know Him through preaching and teaching the Word of God, and to help the global Church challenge Islam with the gospel through apologetics.


Sharing the gospel in foreign lands has always been difficult, but these days there are challenges that are making the task increasingly difficult and dangerous.  Radical Islam has been emboldened by ruthless leaders and a media willfully silent on its evil actions. Even within missionary circles there seems to be confusion on how best to share the gospel, making the task all the more difficult.

Elijah Abraham of Living Oasis Ministries regularly travels around the world sharing the gospel and teaching church leaders to equip their church members in sound doctrine for the work of evangelism and discipleship.  He joins Mike and David to discuss the increasingly difficult challenges of missionary work, and how some mission ministries are making the task even more difficult by preaching a watered-down or even false gospel.