I just got back from a pastor’s conference in Dallas, Texas and I’m happy to report a growing movement of godly men are committed to speaking the truth and refusing to back down or be silent about what’s happening outside the walls of our churches. Where does your pastor stand?
There’s a sense of urgency among the remnant to mobilize Christians to engage, vote, and help preserve this great republic under God.
Now hold on, don’t tune out. I know some of you think we shouldn’t be discussing issues dealing with government and elections and politics in church, but someone’s morality will be legislated in Washington that will affect our lives – but we have a say.
Christians must again recognize how precious and even vulnerable our freedoms are. You’ve heard it said politics are downstream from culture meaning culture influences government. Ideally, religion should be shaping culture which in turn shapes politics. We’ve had it backwards for many decades.
Do you love God and the country you live in? Then believers must mobilize! Pray! Decide now to encourage as many people as possible who claim the name of Christ to speak up, get off their butts and out of their house and vote to preserve liberty.
Video w/partial transcript from Freedom Project Media
iVoterGuide – voting information by state
A Christian Worldview on Black Lives Matter, Injustice, Marxism, and Redemption – David Fiorazo
Riots in WI, Concerned Voters, and Public Safety w/Julaine Appling
Christians, Politics, and Biblical-Values, Elections w/Elijah Abraham
Refining Radical: The Case Against Kamala Harris w/David Fiorazo
Are you voting for manners … or for what matters?
To Be a Democrat Today, You Have to Believe …
Trump Administration Accomplishments on life, family, religious liberty 2017-2020 – (Get this on your I-phone. Text ACTIONS to 51555)